Chapter Receives Prestigious Rock Award!

We are excited to announce that on June 29th 2016 Gamma Alpha received its second consecutive Rock Chapter Award!  Only a select few chapters nationwide earn this award, and we’re honored to be one of them!

We are excited to announce that on June 29th 2016 Gamma Alpha received its second consecutive Rock Chapter Award!  Only a select few chapters nationwide earn this award, and we’re honored to be one of them!

The Rock Award is awarded biannually by the National Chapter to strong groups that have achieved excellence in all areas of chapter operations.

Gamma Alpha strives to foster a culture of campus involvement and leadership. A key component of this effort has been an orchestrated push for all of our officers to be more involved in their positions. Our significant campus involvement, high GPA, and large pledge class numbers played a huge role in our receipt of the award. In the fall, we initiated 25 new members. Throughout the year, 100 percent of our members were involved on campus and 38 percent of them served in leadership roles.

In order to receive the award, each chapter must submit an in-depth 35 page application, which serves as a comprehensive overview of the chapter. All of our officers were very involved in the submission process. Lieutenant Commander Nic Matarazzo said, “Even as we went through the process, we were able to gain ideas and it was really a building opportunity for the chapter.”  

“Success breeds success,” said Nic. “The younger brothers really get excited about the older guys’ successes.” This award is truly something to be excited about, and we intend to carry this success forward as we continue to build and strengthen our legacy.  Congratulations to all!