Chapter News

Update from Commander Ben Cook

The Gamma Alpha Chapter has had a busy start to the spring semester. To start the semester, we participated in spring formal recruitment, which resulted in the addition of five new candidates. Throughout the week of recruitment, these young men displayed great potential to carry out our values of love, truth, and honor, and we look forward to seeing what they can contribute to our chapter. We also just had our annual formal in New Orleans during the weekend of January 19 to January 21. All of the Yearly Awards were given out at the event with Best Scholar going to Ian Skop (GA 2160), Outstanding Contributor going to Ben Cook (GA 2198), and Best Brother going to Daniel Kirtley (GA 2168)…

Update from Commander Ben Cook

The Gamma Alpha Chapter has had a busy start to the spring semester. To start the semester, we participated in spring formal recruitment, which resulted in the addition of five new candidates. Throughout the week of recruitment, these young men displayed great potential to carry out our values of love, truth, and honor, and we look forward to seeing what they can contribute to our chapter. We also just had our annual formal in New Orleans during the weekend of January 19 to January 21. All of the Yearly Awards were given out at the event with Best Scholar going to Ian Skop (GA 2160), Outstanding Contributor going to Ben Cook (GA 2198), and Best Brother going to Daniel Kirtley (GA 2168).

The Gamma Alpha Chapter finished up the fall semester with a successful academic showing. Over 50 brothers finished the semester on the Dean’s List with 30 of these brothers having above a 3.5 GPA for the term. The chapter is looking forward to continued academic success with the renovation of the study room, which will be taking place during the spring semester. On campus, our chapter is involved in a number of ways with many brothers holding various leadership positions. Brothers Evan Gillon and Ayo Aladesanmi are the current President and Vice President of the Student Government Association. Multiple brothers are also heavily involved in Tech Beautification Day, with five of them being involved in higher-up leadership positions. Multiple brothers are also involved in Executive Round Table, an organization that promotes entrepreneurship and networking among Georgia Tech students and alumni. Our brothers are also involved in athletic teams on campus, with multiple brothers being on the lacrosse team and one of our new members being on the football team.

This past weekend, the Alumni Association put together a leadership seminar for the active brothers. At this seminar, brothers presented their thoughts and ideas about a wide range of topics affecting the chapter, and they communicated their perspectives of the current state of the chapter to the alumni who were present at the seminar. This was a very unique and productive experience as active brothers were able to receive advice and feedback from alumni who had once been in the positions that our brothers find themselves in today. While the discussions were wide-ranging and included a number of topics, most of them came back to one simple question: why did we become Sigma Nu’s? This is a question that has a unique answer for many, yet most answers include themes of brotherhood, comradery, and being a part of something bigger than one’s self. We loved hearing all the different answers to this question, and we would love to hear from even more alumni about why they chose to become Sigma Nu’s. If you would like to share your thoughts, please feel free to reach out to me at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you all and thank you for all that you do to help support our chapter.

-Ben Cook GA 2198